Artist Barbara Gillette Price Gallery Studio

Huyendo de la Oscuridad

Fleeing Shadows reflects my deep concern about the human condition during the pandemic. While the images are abstract and the figure is suggested, it is an expression of the loss of individual identity and an elusive blurring within the movement of fleeing.



Excerpted translation from art critic Francisco Bautista Toledo 

Ideal, Sept 17, 2021.


…Bárbara G. Price is direct in the description of her ideas, and the result in the paintings surpasses the concept. Therein lies her skill and craft. As she delves into the mastery, she has acquired to turn her pictorial activity into compositional grace. She frees herself from singular forms and signs, from her recent production, to reflect the stark, clean, simple, and direct image, exuberant in meanings, directly affecting the sensitive reason of the spectator. Each one of them will live their own adventure of the dark days without a name…

… In her work the colors are limited, playing with each other with their tonal varieties, forming sober, serene, reflective compositions, despite the violent trance of their elaboration, which is contained in her strokes, in dancing structures that the gaze, in its fantasy, turns into spectral figures, beings hidden in their shadows, who dance, dialogue, transit, exist alone, and dance again, transit... and again and again, there is no escape, they are condemned to repeat the routine of the hours.

An elegant proposal that flees from oblivion to proclaim hope, such is the work shown by Barbara G. Price.”